In a day where the world has turned on its head, your vote transcends any presidential election; it’s your chance to take a stand on pressing issues, including economic equality, health care, and education reform. Your vote says, “We’re doing it differently this time around, and I’m here to make sure it happens.”
For many, the right to vote has been taken away. Because of discriminatory voter ID laws, millions of people’s voices go unheard. If you’re one of the privileged few, we encourage you to make your vote count!
The Potter’s House is proud to be an Election Day site this November 3, 2020. For local voters ready to use their voices to effect change, please visit us at our physical address: 6777 W. Kiest Blvd., Dallas, TX 75236. If you’re not in the Dallas area, please click the button below to find a polling place near you.